

-Medical Assistant (MA) Apprentice program
-A special message to our volunteers

冰球突破以提供卓越的病人护理而闻名,冰球突破的病人调查证明了这一点! 如果你喜欢在一个以团队为中心的环境中工作,你的投入和专业判断对高度个性化的病人护理至关重要, we’d like to learn more about your professional goals.

The 志愿者 Program at 纽约医院 has a place for everyone. 你可能退休了,有自己的事业,有全职妈妈,有年轻的或年老的,有男性的或女性的. Our Hospital has varied opportunities for people of all ages 和 backgrounds. 志愿者协助病人, 家庭, 以及约克郡医院和社区内许多不同领域的员工, Kittery, 伯威克, 南伯威克, 井, 桑福德, 和Kennebunk.


  • 巡视病人—— 在医院里与病人和家属交流他们在这里的经历
  • 医生办公室—— helping where needed in many of our physician practices
  • 桥梁/运输- 冰球突破的桥梁项目是一个志愿者项目,它将冰球突破的病人介绍给社区里的人,他们每周提供一次登记,并帮助他们购买杂货, 探访和陪伴, 运输, 或差事.
  • 灵气服务 providing relaxation 治疗 for patients
  • 〇宠物治疗 bringing certified pets in the hospital to visit with patients 和 家庭
  • 文书服务- 帮助整个医院系统的许多支持服务,包括归档和一般办公室工作
  • 迎宾员/信息- providing a warm greeting at the entrances to 纽约医院 和 providing information
  • 〇餐饮服务 delivering meals to community members or trays 和 snacks to patients in the hospital
  • 〇报纸投递 delivering the daily paper to patients so they can start their day informed
  • 临床领域- assisting the clinical teams in many areas with support services 和 err和s
  • 教牧关怀—— providing spiritual support for those who need guidance
  • 紧急服务- assisting patients 和 家庭 with support needs during unexpected visits.
  • Environment 服务/Interior Design – helping with artwork 和 other environmental needs
  • 特别活动 & 筹款, 许多志愿者帮助医院筹集资金,策划和举办成功的活动.
  • 〇患者顾问 a committee of community members to provide insight, 意见, 以及帮助加强医院每天提供令人难以置信的体验的能力的想法. 点击这里 to download an application, or feel free to contact the 志愿者 office at (207) 351-2224 了解更多信息.


    奖学金的机会 for those interested in pursuing higher education, 点击这里



冰球突破为参加学校项目并希望完成项目实习要求的学生提供实践经验. 学生可以在学校顾问的帮助下找到自己的冰球突破导师,或者与志愿者和学生体验办公室合作,以获得安置. To begin the process, all students fill out a 学生应用程序学生保密协议 和 submit it to 志愿者 和 Student Experiences.

Please note: The above applies to all students except undergraduate RN students. 本科注册护士的临床教育经历将通过临床教育办公室进行不同的处理. Students must be accepted via the Centralized Clinical Placement System (CCPS). 所有在医院主校区完成实习的护理学生必须在开始之前完成CCPS在线培训课程. 为 more information, please contact the Clinical Education office at 207-351-2333 or (电子邮件保护).


Medical Assistant (MA) Apprentice program

纽约医院 is a patient-centered, independent hospital located within a beautiful seaside community. 冰球突破很自豪能够提供最好的临床专业知识和医疗保健领域的技术进步. Our team members are committed to 有爱心的 for every patient, 他们的家庭, 彼此之间, by instilling our vision of Loving Kindness to all. 纽约医院 has several primary care practices throughout all of southern 缅因州包括 York, Kittery, 井, 桑福德, 和 南伯威克.


冰球突破与约克县社区学院(YCCC)合作,每年秋季和春季提供六个硕士学徒项目的学生职位. 这些职位需要每周20小时的带薪临床工作,同时参加YCCC课程,在9个月的课程结束时获得硕士证书. We are offering apprenticeships at one of the 纽约医院 Family Practice’s in York, Kittery, 井, 桑福德或者南贝里克. 医疗助理与实践团队合作,在实践提供者和实践经理的监督和指导下,协助在办公室环境中提供直接和间接的患者护理. 这包括, 但不限于, utilization of skills in organization, 规划, 实现, 筛选, 和 providing care through the use of hospital 和 practice st和ards of care.

Essential Duties 和 Responsibilities

  • Assist care according to YH protocols 和 procedures; demonstrate clinical competence in office-specific procedural skills, 治疗, 病人/护理教育, 和 acts as a patient advocate in the delivery 和 coordination of patient care.
  • Perform initial patient intake inclusive of rooming patients, obtain/review patient personal/medical/ medication/allergy history, 生命体征采集, 身高/体重, 完整的健康检查工具, 和 complete documentation/record keeping.
  • 使用电脑病历系统执行各种数据输入和信息检索任务. Sort, file, forward, 和 scan information into electronic record systems as directed.
  • Follow-up on test results by checking for outst和ing results, 根据提供者的指示,到提供者那里进行检查和跟踪患者,并适当地安排进一步的预约或咨询, give out/send prescriptions authorized by provider 等.
  • Practice specific competencies which may include: perform basic lab work; draw specimens 和 process or send to lab per office protocols, prepare other lab specimens such as cultures, UA, 巴氏涂片, 等. for lab pick up; provide minor procedural assists 和 perform point of care tests as directed by provider: EKG, 链球菌的屏幕, HgA1C, 等.
  • Administer immunization/medications per provider direction
  • Assist with patient registry management, participating in patient reminder processes 和 health promotion efforts, as well as previsit 规划 和 chart prep.
  • Provide optimal customer service to a member of the care team in person, 通过电话, 或其他实践支持的患者信息系统,作为患者和实践团队之间的联络,提供卓越的患者体验.
  • 组织考场, 把房间布置好,准备办理手续, do general cleaning 和 office upkeep, assist with quality monitoring/record keeping/inventory of equipment/supplies.
  • Ability to organize 和 multitask as a forward-thinker, 和 remain calm 和 personable in a fast-paced medical office setting
  • Provide efficient 和 effective care working with 供应商 during clinical sessions, 作为一个可靠的, 灵活的, 可靠的团队成员. 表现出学习和适应不断变化的医疗环境的意愿.
  • Collaborate with other health care providers, 医生, 实习经理, 临床工作人员, 和 support staff regarding practice 和 patient needs.
  • 其他分配的工作.能力要求:
      • 计划/组织
      • 可靠性
      • 多任务处理
      • 解决问题
      • 口头交流
      • 团队合作
      • 专业
      • 高企的能源
      • 跟进
      • 客户服务
      • 协作
      • 人际关系技巧

    In order to help us continue to provide exceptional patient care experiences, we will need you to have the following:

    High School Diploma or equivalent preferred. 必须被接受并参加约克县社区学院医疗辅助学徒计划吗. 整个学徒期, 包括技能实验室在内的所有课程必须以C或更高的成绩通过,才能继续留在学徒期.

    Must maintain confidentiality at all times. 良好的沟通和人际交往能力是与患者互动的必要条件, 医生, 主管和其他员工有能力在与他人打交道时表现出同情和关心. 组织和完成多项任务的能力,并能灵活地适应每天不断变化的需求. Ability to project a pleasant 和 professional image even under stressful situations.

    Living loving kindness is more than patient-centered care. 这是关于冰球突破的人民! 这一承诺的一部分是始终为冰球突破的团队成员提供与他们的激情相呼应的福利. 因为这个原因, 纽约医院 offers MA Apprentices, 他们的家属, 和 domestic partners a full suite of benefits. We encourage you to review our full benefits by 点击这里.



冰球突破的每一位志愿者都是拼图中独特而重要的一块,共同构成了冰球突破的宏伟蓝图. 在义工答谢周期间,冰球突破收到了许多关于YH义工的精彩留言. It is our pleasure to share those sentiments here 并呈现出一幅丰富多彩的完整画面,真正说明了冰球突破提供安全服务的使命, 受信任的, 护理质量, 带着爱心, 对冰球突破的病人和冰球突破的社区.  Please take a moment to read about our amazing 和 dedicated volunteers. 感谢每一个人——志愿者和护理人员——他们帮助确保冰球突破是一个欢迎的地方, 有爱心的, beacon of hope 和 healing in our community.